Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dayton Alexander Stokes: Weeks 1-3 in NICU

Dayton Alexander Stokes

May 15, 2013 to June 2, 2013.

 The photo below was taken while they were changing out his CPAP breathing machine.  It was the first time since the bruising had started to go away that we could see his face without the mask.
 Dayton's bilirubin count was pretty high for a couple of days so he had to be under the phototherapy lights.

 This was the first time I was able to hold Dayton.  He had bubbles in his mouth because of the breathing machine (CPAP). I can still remember hearing his little breaths that day.

 Below, most of the bruising has gone but his face was still swollen.

 I loved this moment so much

 Our first family photo. I do Kangaroo Care (skin to skin) as much as possible.


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