Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 15, 2013...Week 31... the day my water broke

I regret all the times I cried to myself on bed rest saying "I can't do this anymore"... The second my water broke I wanted it to un-break.  I couldn't believe I was going into labor this early, and I was terrified that the babies wouldn't make it.  I had barely started my hospital bag, but we grabbed it anyway and headed to the hospital.  I could hear in my Dr.'s voice the nervousness about how early I was.

When we got to the hospital I was having very mild cramping.  I was taken to a L&D room, where I was hooked up to monitors and had an IV going.  My Dr ordered three series of Terbutaline to stop my contractions.  I flew right through those and kept on contracting.  When they checked my cervix, I thought I was going to pass out.  The nurse said that Baby A's head was in the way, and she had to go around him just to check my cervix. I screamed and I'm pretty sure my husband was holding me down.  I had gone in at 7:30 pm, and was dilated to a 1 cm.  By 3:00 am I was dilated to a 4 cm and was taken back for an emergency C-section. 

My husband was told to wait until the Dr.s had scrubbed and I had my epidural before he could come in.  This is where things get scary...

I was on the table and was sat up for my epidural.  As soon as I sat up, I elt Dayton coming. My body started trying to push him out and I couldn't stop. I was screaming at the nurse that he was coming, and she ran to get my OBGYN.  I couldn't receive an epidural because my uterus would NOT stop contracting and I couldn't sit up.  I was immediately gassed and that was the last thing I remember.

My husband was not allowed in the OR room because I had General Anesthesia.  The rest of my birth story was told to me by nurses and Drs that were in the OR... I'm so thankful I was not awake for this.

As soon as I was asleep, they cut me for my C-section.  When they cut my uterus, it kept contracting. I had already dilated to a 10 cm and Baby A was stuck in the birth canal.  He was not budging.  A nurse was pushing him back through the canal while my OBGYN was trying to pull him back into the uterus.  My uterus kept contracting on it's own after I had been cut, and it was making it close to impossible for them to push him back into the uterus so he could come out.  This went on for 7 minutes until Dayton was taken out. He was born at 3:37 am and was unresponsive.  Not breathing, not crying, not doing anything.  Reid came out immediately after at 3:38 and cried for a second, then stopped.  They were rushed to NICU while I was taken to the Recovery Room.  I remember waking up and seeing my husband and mom.  I was so confused, I didn't even know if I was still pregnant or not.

The NICU Dr. came in to talk about the boys, and it was so hazy.  The boys were alive, but were not doing well.  Dayton had been severely bruised and his head had some trauma from the pushing.  But my boys were alive.  The next thing I remember was Nik coming in with his phone, laying next to me, and showing me a picture of them.  He had been able to go see them.  I looked at the pictures and we both cried. I still tear up when I look at Dayton's picture.

Meet Dayton Alexander Stokes: 4 lbs 5 oz and 16 1/2" long
Meet Reid Thomas Stokes: 3 lbs 9 oz and 17" long
It would be 11 hours until I could stand up and get into a wheelchair to go and meet my babies.

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