Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 3-4 NICU and Updates

So this last week has been great!  The boys started out getting 8 tube feedings a day.  Then they were only given 6 through a tube and 2 through breast feeding.  After two days of that, they were switched to ALL breast/bottle feedings and NO tube feedings! That was the second to the last step before they were allowed to be considered for discharge.  Starting yesterday, the tops on their cribs were lifted to see if the boys could maintain their own temperature... and they did!  Last night they were put in their car seats for an hour to make sure they can tolerate it.  I will find out this morning how they did.  If everything goes well, they will be discharged WEDNESDAY and will be coming home!!! I am so excited and nervous!!!  We will definitely miss the NICU nurses, they have become part of their family.  The nurses know their little personalities, and have created a bond with each of them.  I will definitely be sending them pictures as they grow up :) 
Also, Nik got a job! Perfect timing!  Things this week have finally started looking up and coming together.  Sometimes I feel as if things just don't go our way, and horrible things happen at the worse times.  But Nik reminded me that we always come out on top when it's over, and he's right.  I had a rough pregnancy and the boys had a harsh introduction into the world, but they have overcome it and are doing great.  Nik was laid off while I was pregnant and on bed rest, but thanks to family we were supported through the hard times, and now he doesn't work for a company with a toxic environment (hopefully!). 
This last week we had a lot of new visitors!

Kristi and Dayton
Kristi and Reid
Angela and Reid
Angela and Dayton
Mike and Reid
The boys have been gaining weight and have definitely been helping Nik and I get used to changing our fair share of dirty diapers.  Dayton is able to wear most newborn sized clothing, while Reid is still wearing the preemie sizes.  This is probably the last post that has to do with them just "chilling out" in the NICU... the rest should be about their journey as they get ready to come home with mommy and daddy!!

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