Sunday, June 2, 2013

Reid Thomas Stokes: Weeks 1-3 in NICU

Reid Thomas Stokes

May 15, 2013 to June 2, 2013

Below:  Daddy feeding Reid through his feeding tube
 Below: Such a strong grip for a tiny person
 Below: Two photos- Holding Reid for the first time

 Below: Daddy changing Reid's diaper

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting your family's story!

    Since the day I met you, I've known you were a kind and strong spirit. While I could never wish for you to have gone through this journey, I am firm in my belief that God knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he picked you to be Dayton and Reid's Mommy.

    I'm so glad they have such a wonderfully strong and loving role model-no doubt about it, they already take after you!
