Monday, June 10, 2013

Preparing to come home from NICU

There are a number of tests the boys must pass before they come home.  There are also a number of tests mommy and daddy must pass before the boys come home as well.  Nik and I took the CPR training class yesterday, and brought the car seats up to the NICU so the boys can be tested whether or not they can handle it. 
When I got to NICU this morning, Dayton had been given his hearing test already and he failed in one ear.  The Dr said this was common in preemies and sometimes it takes two to three tries to prove he can hear out of both ears.  As of this morning Reid had not been given his hearing test yet.
Also, they were given the 'car seat' test and both failed :( Their oxygen saturation levels kept dropping into the mid 80s, and they cannot be released until they can pass that test.  The staff will try again tomorrow, and again we were told this is common.  It can take two to three tries before they can prove that they can handle it.  It could be from position of their neck, if they had gas in their airways, how soon after eating they were sat up, or of they kept moving their foot that had the cuff on it.  I'm hoping they pass it tomorrow. I want them home so badly, but at the same time I don't want them home too early. I hope they are ready and strong enough!
Even with the car seat setback, everyone keeps saying they will still be coming home Wednesday.  I think everyone feels that they will pass before then. I sure hope so!
 I have their pediatrician appointment set up for Friday AM, and am a little anxious about our first trek out into the world. Nik will be at work, so a friend of mine will come help me out.  I have the best friends and family!!  Everyone has given us so much support, and it's like Reid and Dayton have their own little fan club.  We are so lucky. I will definitely post an update as soon as the hearing tests and car seat tests have been re-done.  Cross your fingers!

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