Sunday, June 2, 2013

The pregnancy & the belly... Weeks 28-31

Week 28 I was put on total bed rest.  Great, no paycheck, either!! :( But... It was for the best for my babies so that's what I did.  I did a lot of laying in bed and crying. I cried multiple times a day, multiple times at night, took more showers than I can remember to ease back pain, and stared at the wall for hours. I couldn't even sit up in bed. Baby A, Dayton, had dropped and his head was bearing down on my cervix.  I had gone to my OBGYN with complaints of feeling low pressure like the baby was going to fall out. Well, that was Dayton. My cervix had already started to efface.  Thank goodness for Netflix.

I felt so helpless. My husband had to bring me food, help me out of bed to pee, help me shave my legs, clean the house, do the dishes, feed the dogs... everything. All I could do was sit there.  Oh, and did I mention cry??  Little did I know my third trimester would consist of wearing incontinence pads (yes, I peed a little every time I used my stomach muscles), breast pads, and my husbands' basketball shorts.  To say the least, I didn't want ANY visitors!

Here are the belly pix for Weeks 28-31... please notice how my facial expressions look pathetic. I was *so* uncomfortable!

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